Fiennes Ambush
I gamed Ghailan's ambush of Fiennes using Donnybrook with the veteran garrison troops as ‘elite' d10, the Moorish part-time militia as ‘recruits' d6, with a further requirement for Moors to score 2 hits from a unit of 10 skirmishers to remove a garrison model. Fiennes objective was to recover hostages stolen by a small band of Moors under ‘The Raid' special rules. Ambush rules allowed Ghailan to secrete any part of his force (of 1000 foot and 1000 Horse) wherever he wished and fire immediately on revealing themselves if within range.
The garrison must chase in loose formation / column to have any chance of catching the Moors. The Commander could give one order to the whole battalion if they passed one morale test; if the morale test were failed the order was not obeyed until the following turn because the commander had to personally instruct each unit. The commander had to order the battalion to move into a square / close formation to defend once attacked. The Garrison fought in units of five, representing companies of 125 men. Fiennes' band had insufficient pikes for any effect and had to depend upon close formation volley firing to keep the Moors at bay, with clubbed muskets, swords and half-pikes in close combat. Each unit was given 3 rounds of grenadoes, each use causing 1d4 casualties with a roll of 4 causing the whole target unit to retreat one move without firing that turn if they have not done so already.
Garrison troops do not break, but if they fail a morale test they fire at half strength the next turn, and if they fail the next morale test they do not fire at all on that turn.
Garrison victory was determined by retrieving the hostages and escorting them two full moves towards Tangier with 50% of their force intact. The garrison can start retreating once the Moors are discovered or reveal themselves. Once in close formation the garrison can fire and retreat half a normal move in the same turn. In loose formation the garrison can make a full move, but not fire.
Moors fight in loose formation in units of 10, and fire in any direction. Moors only test morale when a unit is reduced to 25% of its initial size.
Moors win by eliminating >60% of the garrison.