Stumbling Blocks

This page is dedicated to highlighting any stumbling blocks within my research into English Tangier, with the opportunity to provide me any answers or insights you have.

This page is dedicated to highlighting any stumbling blocks within my research into English Tangier, with the opportunity to provide me any answers or insights you have.

I am a historian with a great interest in 17th history relating to the English occupation of Tangier between 1661 to 1684.

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John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough

Did John Churchill fight in Tangier before he became Duke of Marlborough?  more  

Streets and Houses

Official documents refer to roads and places not shown on the detailed street map of 1683.   more  

Life in the City

Coming Soon - Several of the wealthier citizens of Tangier kept diaries, but there are few indications of the life of the simple soldier or merchant families. This page will identi...  more  


The Commission for Tangier included James Duke of York, Rupert of the Rhine, Peterborough, (the First Governor) and Sandwich, with Pepys becoming Treasurer after a few years, but I...  more  


Coming Soon - The Earl of Sandwich, Martin Beckman and Bernard de Gomme were just three of the people who submitted plans for the defences of Tangier. This section will try to esta...  more  


Many of the original records of Tangier show designs for structures that may never have been built.   more