History of Tangier








Misinformation in Writing

It's easy for the mind to be immediately drawn to the Sahara Desert when you think of Morocco.
Indeed, several authors with little knowledge of Tangier describe the city and the region as if it were an oasis town rather than a major port,
and lean on images of flowing sands.



My website will highlight misleading statements and accounts, wherever I find them.





Primary & Secondary Sources

There are a multitude of sources for English Tangier., many of them not well catalogued or indexed.

On these pages I provide a list of sources with additional information I have gleaned, along with my comments.



In the interest of historical accuracy and scholarly integrity, this site will be updated constantly as more information becomes available or is pointed out to me.
If you notice anything that you think is incorrect, please contact me at john@englishtangier.co.uk and quote the correct source.

If you have any further questions, please e-mail me via my contact form and I will do my best to assist.


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